Safeguarding Policy
Our Safeguarding Policy for Adults and Children at risk
St Mary’s Secret Garden (SMSG) is involved in providing services for a wide range of people. Many of these people will be adults at risk. Children and young people also receive St Mary’s Secret Garden’s services (including the children of adult clients) may also be vulnerable.
We have a statutory and moral duty to ensure and promote the welfare of these groups regardless of Race, Disability, Gender, Age, Sexual Orientation, Religion and Belief, Gender Reassignment, Pregnancy and Maternity, Marriage and Civil Partnerships.
This policy extends to the treatment of all of our service users, partners, volunteers, visitors, and employees. SMSG abides by the legislative framework in place for safeguarding, We take into account ‘Best Practices’ in child and at risk adult safeguarding.
It includes instruction and advice on reporting and responding to allegations, national and local frameworks, advice lines and examples of best practice. The development and monitoring of our policy is undertaken by a Safeguarding Lead Designated Person who is responsible for overseeing and co-ordinating initiatives that ensure and enhance safeguarding at SMSG.
Please download our policies here: Safeguarding adults at risk 2023
Safeguarding children from abuse 2023