St Mary's Secret Garden

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Garden Supporters

Corporate Adoptions 

Sponsoring one of the areas of our garden will help to cover vital maintenance and administrative costs. All sponsors will receive a plaque in the garden and / or publicity via our website.

How you can make a difference
Herb and Sensory Garden

A calm oasis filled with a variety of seasonal herbs to invigorate the senses. The garden is used for medicinal and culinary purposes. Your annual adoption contribution of £100 will provide much needed seeds and support general maintenance.

Flower Beds
Our beds are home to a variety of flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruit. Your annual adoption contribution of £50 will provide much needed seeds and support general maintenance.

The garden's benches help provide our garden users with a place to rest and socialize. Your annual adoption contribution of £25 will provide general maintenance including protective painting.

Our greenhouse is used to grow seedlings as well as host horticultural activities such as sedding and potting year around. Your annual adoption contribution will allow us to provide materials including trays and modules, heating, maintenance of glass pains and cleaning. Annual adoption contributions start at £250. Please enquire at the office for further details. 

Our toolshed is used to house tools used in the garden. We would like to build a new toolshed with improved capacity, access for gardeners and lighting. Your adoption contribution with go towards removal of the existing shed and providing parts/labour for the new shed. Adoption contributions start at £200. Please enquire at the office for further details.

Toolshed before and after

General info and minibeast signage 
We would like to improve the educational signage around our garden. This will include information on plant types, gardening advice etc. We would also to introduce signs for our animal mosaics and art pieces. Your adoption contribution will provide the materials for these signs. Adoption contributions start at £50. Please enquire at the office for further details. 

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Designed by Quynh Hoang: